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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Those Fracking Worms!

  So I'm kicking myself for not getting some pictures taken of my worms. But I have been pretty busy, so I guess it's to be expected that I forgot. Midterms and exams are in two weeks, so I'm trying to cram as much info as possible into my head. Luckily, I have a nice time when I can relax and do something I enjoy; blog to you guys. So here's the next blog.

  • The pumping of crude oil, diesel, water or chemicals into a reservoir with such force that the reservoir rock is cracked and results in greater flow of oil or gas from the reservoir.
  Fracking is kind of dangerous. The chemicals that are pumped into the ground end up in people's drinking water; some of the water is so chemical-ridden that it can be lit on fire as it's coming out of the tap. My question is; if this water can be lit on fire, what is it doing to the worms in the area?

  No one knows. As far as I can tell, no one has done any type of study to see what effect fracking has on a worm's fragile skin. But all you have to do is think about it. If the groundwater is filled with so many chemicals, that can't be good for any kind of life. And we all know how fragile earthworms are, some species can die just from being picked up! I think that we should stop focusing on reducing our dependence on foreign oil and start reducing our dependence on ANY oil! Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to start a political argument or anything, I'm just concerned about the innocent earthworms that are living in these areas and have no idea why they are all dying.

  If I have any misinformation or you find something I missed, feel free to comment.


  1. It's wonderful to see younger people so up-to-date on current environmental problems, and not only to be well-read, but to be concerned about details that not many would even consider thinking about! You sound like a very promising young student, and I'm sure you will do well with your life putting these thoughts and concerns to work. Continue working hard, and get as much as you can out of this independent study project!

    Now, back to fracking. Yes, such a terrible idea on many levels; you wonder why so many people don't see it! I would imagine it would do absolute harm to worms as well. But then again, I would expect you to know more than I about that particular science!



  2. Thanks Kimberly. Also, scientists have discovered a link between fracking waste disposal wells and the earthquakes that Ohio has been experiencing. So not only is Fracking itself dangerous, disposing of the leftover waste is too.
