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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My Worms

Worm Factory 3 Tray Standard Composter - Color: Black
A Worm Factory in the middle of a garden

  Almost exactly a year ago, I got my worms. I had gotten a 'Worm Factory' for Christmas and my mom ordered the worms from Uncle Jim (I don't recommend this place, the worms arrived in bad condition and I didn't get the pound I ordered.). The worms arrived a few days later, and I was ready to begin.
  At first, caring for them was easy. I had read that the most common newbie mistake was overfeeding and I was determined not to make that mistake. Unfourtunatly, I ended up doing the exact opposite, I underfed them. The dirt dryed out and I started to freak out a bit. But the solution was simpler than I anticipated, I sprayed the soil with water a few times a day, and started feeding them more.

  Which opened the way for my next mistake. Overfeeding this time. My mom runs a foodbank, so when she got some produce she didn't feel comfortable giving away, she gave it to me for my worms. So one day I carelessly dumped almost two pounds of mellon into the worm bin. It stank. I was afraid to open the bin for a month after that because after a week, it was seriously smelly. Mom even made me move the bin from under the kitchen counter to the porch because some fruitflys started hanging around it.

  So now I'm almost to my third tray, I'm feeding them a bit more slowly since that fiasco, and the worms are back inside (they would have frozen to death by now if they were outside, it snowed yesterday!!!). For my next post, if I remember to and if my sister lets me borrow her camera, I'll post pictures of my lovely worms and their beautiful castings.

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